Oriental herbal medicine is used for many different symptoms along with acupuncture treatment. With acupuncture and herbal medicine together, we can expect the best result.
Oriental herbal medicine is offered not only to patients with particular symptoms but also to people who want to fortify their immunity, be energetic, and stay young.
We provide herbs in
Cupping generates a local suction on the applied spots.
Suction/release promotes better Qi and Blood flow and gets rid of obstructions in the body.
For moxibustion, burning dried mugwort is used in general. It brings warmth deep into the body. It is a great method for pains caused by wind-cold and deficiency. However, we use moxa essence with far IR (considered as a modified form of moxibustion) in our clinic because of the smoke by burning.
Call Us: (281) 940-5674
Bowon Acupuncture & Herb
Acupuncture improves body's Qi and Blood circulation. It can reduce pain, correct imbalance, help relaxation, strengthen immunity, and support metabolism to be efficient.